Secretory granules are apparently built up from fusion of smaller vesicles. 分泌颗粒显然是从较小的小泡融合而成的。
The histological structure of digestive organs are made up of the zymogen granules and secretory granules, these granules are related to the function of digest and anti-disease. 结果表明:(1)各消化器官的组织结构中富含酶原颗粒和分泌颗粒,这些颗粒具有消化和抗病的功能;
The gland cell I contains secretory granules in groups and abundant RNA, and shows lipase activity. I型腺细胞含团状分泌颗粒及丰富的RNA,具脂酶活性;
Another lateral secretory granules displayed sphere vesicle in cell. 细胞内的另侧分泌颗粒呈球形小泡。
STH cells were in activity synthesis and secretion, secretory granules were from fusion to release. STH细胞处于活跃的合成和分泌状态,分泌颗粒呈现出由融合到释放的状态;
A morphological study on the releasing pattern and transport route for secretory granules of polypeptide hormones of neurohypophysis 神经垂体多肽激素分泌颗粒释放形式和转运途径的形态学研究
Chymase is a kind of serine proteinase, mainly exists in secretory granules of mast cell and extracellular Interstitium. 糜酶是一类丝氨酸蛋白酶,主要存在于肥大细胞的分泌颗粒和细胞间质。
After spawning, GTH cells evacuate secretory granules. 产卵后GTH细胞中的分泌颗粒排空;
There are a few secretory granules in ACTH cells. ACTH细胞分泌物颗粒数量少。
Chymase is one of the major proteases in the secretory granules of mast cells. 类糜蛋白酶是肥大细胞分泌的主要中性蛋白酶之一。
In GH cells, the Vv and Nv in secretory granules increased with age; 此外,GH细胞成熟或未成熟分泌颗粒Vv、Nv随年龄增长而有所增加;
The intact secretory granules ( 100~ 300nm) coated with membrane exist not only in the endings or varicosities of the unmyelinated nerve fibers but also occasionally in the perivascular space. 完整的大型膜包分泌颗粒(100~300nm),不仅大量存在于无髓神经纤维的终末或膨体内,而且也见于血管周隙内。
Conclusion The releasing pattern of secretory granules of the pineal body could include a releasing of the whole membrane; 结论松果体分泌颗粒的释放形式,可能存在连同颗粒被膜的整体释放;
Large granule cells increased, and full of secretory granules 3 days later. 3d后,大颗粒细胞增多,细胞内充满分泌颗粒。
At the early stage of the formation, the corpuscles appeared to be secretory granules in the cells. 在形成的早期,石灰小体以分泌颗粒的形式出现在细胞内。
Numbers of secretory granules, oplasmic reticulums, mitochondrias in ACTH cells all changed distinctly. ACTH细胞分泌物颗粒数量、内质网及线粒体均发生明显变化;
Granular gland cells contain a large number of secretory granules. 颗粒状腺细胞内充盈分泌颗粒;
Ultrastructural feature and its significance of the blood capillary and secretory granules in monkey pineal body 猴松果体毛细血管和分泌颗粒的超微结构特征及其意义
The secretory granules positive for PRL were electron-dense and varied in size and shape. PRL瘤细胞中分泌颗粒电子密度高,均匀,形状及大小不一。
The electric density of PRL cells with secretory granules is high. PRL细胞电子密度高,具圆球形被膜的分泌颗粒;
The gland cells of the anterior salivary glands contain secretory granules in groups which are proteoglycan. 长钢铁前含铁料优化生产的建议前唾液腺腺细胞含团状糖蛋白性质的分泌颗粒。
In winter, there is a small number of secretory granules scattering around nucleolus in GTH cells. 冬季GTH细胞内有少量分泌颗粒散布在核周围;
Secretory granules in TSH cells cytoplast were relatively small. TSH细胞胞质中的分泌颗粒相当多。
GTH cytoplast were full of big and small, high density electron secretory granules. GTH细胞胞质中充满电子密度较高的大、小两种分泌颗粒;
Number of secretory granules in STH cells were relatively small, nucleolus distorted, activity of synthesis and secretion decreased. STH细胞分泌颗粒数量较少,胞核变形,合成和分泌活动比较微弱;
The secretory granules in the cell increased. 钉螺肝细胞内分泌颗粒增多。
In the different seasons, the structural feature and secretory granules of endocrine cell in the turtle adenohypophysis were changed. 同时,鳖腺垂体中各种内分泌细胞的结构特征和分泌颗粒密度等存在一定的季节性变化。